Optimize your hospitality operations, maximize your revenue.
Simple, safe, and easy-to-use keyless check-in for guests.
Our features
PIN codes
Issue PIN codes for guests or housekeepers.
Remote unlock
Unlock history
From anywhere in the world.
Zobacz kto i w jakim czasie otwierał zamek
Increased Level of Security and Convenience
Smart locks offer guests a secure and convenient keyless entry using smartphones or access codes, simplifying the check-in process and reducing the risk of lost keys.
Create PIN codes for your guests.

- Permanent code for the housekeeper
- Temporary code for guests
- One-time code for the courier
Remote Access and Monitoring
Owners can remotely control the lock, monitor guest check-ins and check-outs, and change access codes, improving property management and ensuring greater security.
Better Experience for Guests
With seamless check-in and added security, guests have a positive experience, leading to better reviews and increased interest in your rental property.
What do users say about us?
  • Tetiana Kosovska
    Has 7 apartments in Warsaw.
    "Managing 5 apartments was hectic with constant guest arrivals. Now it’s a breeze!"
  • Angieszka Wałbrzyska
    Has 3 apartments in Kraków.
    "Best idea ever! I love how simple it is :) "
  • Krzystof Danek
    Has 2 apartments in Gdańsk.
    "I don’t like meeting people, so this solution is a lifesaver for me!"
Download our app
Install the lock
and enjoy the convenience.
The owner gets three main benefits from the lock: remote management, increased security, and easier rental management.
It is only $15 per smartlock.
Use our app to manage smartlock from your phone and automate the check-in and check-out process.
Leave your contact details.
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